Casino of pope pius iv

Pius IV: Pius IV, Italian pope (1559–65) who reconvened and concluded the Council of Trent. A canon lawyer, in 1545 he was ordained and consecrated archbishop of Ragusa and in 1547 was appointed papal vice legate for Bologna. Archivision Architecture Images: Casino of Pius IV Casino of Pius IV Date 1558-1562 (creation) Creator Ligorio, Pirro ca.1500-1583 Pius IV, Pope 1499-1565 City/Site Rome (Vatican City) Santa Sede (Holy See) Italy Worktype buildings recreation buildings entertainment buildings casinos Image Description Close view of fountain on the garden side of loggia Descriptors casino pavilion ninfeo Credit ...

Pope Pius IV - Pius IV had Pirro Ligorio and a host of painters continue to build and decorate the Casino of Pius IV, a villa suburbana begun under his predecessor, Paul IV. The structure, intended as a retreat for the pope, is located in the Vatican gardens on the west side of the Belvedere Court. Vatican Gardens: The Pope’s Personal Garden of Eden The Casino of Pius IV: A Summer House Fit for a Pope The fanatical Pope Paul IV (who you might know for his plan to destroy Michelangelo’s work in the Sistine Chapel) was dissatisfied with the classical pagan sculptures that appeared at every turn in Julius’ gardens, and resolved to expand them away from Bramante’s courtyard. Archivision Architecture Images: Casino of Pius IV Casino of Pius IV Date 1558-1562 (creation) Creator Ligorio, Pirro ca.1500-1583 Pius IV, Pope 1499-1565 City/Site Rome (Vatican City) Santa Sede (Holy See) Italy Worktype buildings recreation buildings entertainment buildings casinos Image Description Close view of fountain on the garden side of loggia Descriptors casino pavilion ninfeo Credit Line Archivision, Inc. Vatican Treasures - Dmitri Kessel — Google Arts & Culture

The Medici produced four Popes of the Catholic Church— Pope Leo X (1513–1521), Pope Clement VII (1523–1534), Pope Pius IV (1559–1565) and Pope Leo XI (1605) [4]—and two queens of France— Catherine de' Medici (1547–1589) and Marie de' Medici …

Pope Pius IV was pontiff during the Great Siege of Malta. His boss, Jesuit general Francis Borgia, made sure that he stuck to pious platitudes and "prayers." Geopolitics prevented the Vatican from offering direct help to the Terrible Turks, because there were still millions of Frenchmen who hated Islam. PAPAL ROME Flashcards | Quizlet Ugo Boncompagni. From 1561 to 1563 he attended the council of Trent as an expert in canon law, and played a noteworthy part in drafting its final decrees. Pius IV rewarded Ugo with a Cardinalate in 1565. Pius IV also entrusted him with an important legation to Spain, as Papal nuncio (ambassador) in Madrid. La Casina di Pio IV in Vaticano (Book, 2010) [] Get this from a library! La Casina di Pio IV in Vaticano. [Daria Borghese; Marcello Fagiolo] -- Nella Casina di Pio IV la bellezza è il mormorio dell'acqua, è lo stormire degli alberi accarezzati dal vento d'estate, è l'artificio dei litostrati e dei mosaici colorati, è il modulo esatto e ...

Pope Pius IV (31 March 1499 – 9 December 1565), born Giovanni Angelo Medici, was Pope from 25 December 1559 to his death in 1565. [1] He is known for presiding over the final session of the Council of Trent .

Casina Pio IV (Villa Pia), home to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, in the Vatican Gardens. Giardini Vaticani, designed by Pirro Ligorio for Pope Pius IV in  ... Casina Pio IV - Wikipedia Upon Paul IV's death on 18 August 1559, Pope Pius IV took on the project, which had not yet been completed, and, turning to Pirro Ligorio, improved it. The complex, as it was completed in 1562, comprised an elliptical cortile , two free-standing portals, and the loggia with its fountain.

However, Pius IV could not check the advance of Protestantism. Despite his love of elegance, this pope kept nothing for himself. He was known to have lead an exemplary and pious life and died at the age of sixty-six years.

Casina Pio IV - Wikipedia The predecessor of the present complex structure was begun in the spring of 1558 by Pope Paul IV in the Vatican Gardens, west of the Cortile del Belvedere.

Pius IV. Their work builds handsomely on the efforts of one Pirro Ligorio, an Italian artist and scholar of ancient monuments, who, among other achievements, built the celebrated villa Casina di Pio IV, the Casino of Pope Pius IV, in the grounds of the Vatican. The problems were finally resolved in 1576 by Felipe II and Pius IV.

Vatican Treasures - Dmitri Kessel — Google Arts & Culture Casino of Pius IV: Villa in Vatican Gardens, designed by Pirro Ligorio for Pope Paul IV, 1558, Michelangelo-designed St. Peter's Dome (C), Palace at R. Pope Leo X - Wikipedia

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